Moments ago
I awaken in tears
An oddly vivid dream
Arouses my fears
Please oh please
Don't make me go to school
I'm awkward and shy
I look like a fool
All of my peers
So happy and alive
I can't stay awake
How can I survive
Those in control
Assume that I'm bad
My soul wants to scream
That I'm simply just sad
I don't understand
I guess it's just me
Forced into the morning
A rough stormy sea
I need an escape
A person to care
This tireless crowd
It's stealing my air
One out of five
My grades may fall
I'm trying to thrive
I feel so small
If I could be
Twenty-Seven today
My grown-up self
Would look at me and say
Just like you
The world is trying to cope
They don't understand
How to offer you hope
The only one
Who can grasp what you need
Is yourself little girl
and you surely will succeed
Don't fear the world
or life, or your peers
See creation as a whole
and learn from your tears
You'll have many more
Making you stronger and wise
You'll live in dark days
Only lessons in disguise
You will find your purpose
You'll share what you've learned
You'll become who you are
These traits you have earned
Master your patience
By waiting for what's right
This teaches compassion
To another offers light
Pen your values to paper
Read them every day
When you're lost for an answer
They'll show you the way
Be true to yourself
Stay proud of your heart
Rise over the awry
You are so very smart
In uneasy moments
Be brave and stand tall
Speaking your wisdom
So they may not fall
Always be honest
Most importantly to yourself
Never fear what comes
When asking for help
Nurture your spirit
Pray every night
Be one with the world
Stay humble in your light
When you come to the moment
Of clarity and peace
You'll be Twenty-Seven
And free to release
Your young teenage self
Uneasy and unsure
Smiles in response
Now happy and secure
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